Monday, April 21, 2014

ch. 8

Chapter 8

Why is writing important?

Writing helps a student think critically about a subject and produce something that displays their understanding.

“Writing is a true complement to reading when it enables students to clarify and think critically about concepts they encounter in reading.” (p.215)

“Writing requires abstract thinking, synthesis, and the ability and skill to apply several discrete skills.” (p.214)

On –demand writing is writing according to a given prompt.  It is often for high-stakes testing.

Authentic writing is writing for a purpose that expands beyond the classroom.  Authentic writing engages the student and grabs their attention.  Blogs, wikis, and brochures for local museums are all examples of authentic writing.

What is the reading-writing connection?

This is when students write about what they are going to read about.  Then the students read and write about what they read.  This allows students to make connections and clarify anything they were confused about.

Cognitive strategies are categorized as rehearsal strategies, elaboration strategies, organizational strategies, and comprehension-monitoring strategies.

Emergent literacy is early reading and writing and can contain inventive spelling and pictures.

Process writing is where the student follows precise steps to create a final piece of writing.

Rubrics- instruments for assessment

*They also provide focus, direction, and clarification for the student.  They help the student understand what will make a piece of writing successful.

Computers can help students in the writing process.

Writing and the Par Framework

Preparation:  cubing, brain writing, quick write, free write, student-generated questions

Assistance:  learning logs, written conversation, annotations, poetry, cinquain, first-person summary

Reflection:  guided writing procedure, content-focused drama, collaborative writing, C3B4Me, Gist, short statements, graded reflective writing

Richardson, J. S., Morgan, R. F., & Fleener, C. 2012. Reading to learn in the content areas. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co

Monday, April 14, 2014

chpt 6

What is a multimodal platform?
Live chats
Paper Sources

Textbooks cannot stand alone.  Students need to be introduced to an array of media.  Textbooks cannot offer all the information students need.  They are usually grade and subject specific.

Read-alongs require the teacher to read an excerpt with the students.

During a read-aloud, the teacher simply reads to the students.

Trade books are books that are considered for general use, such as books from the library.

The readability of a book can affect a student's comprehension and learning.  Readability is how suited a book is for a reader.  For example, the content of the book must be clearly expressed and suited for the reader's ability.  A readability formula is used to determine the difficulty of the reading material.

The independent reading level is the level of material a student can read with 90% or more comprehension.

Cloze can be used to determine a student's comprehension and learning at the "closure" of a lesson.

Cooperative learning- jigsaws, three-step interviews

Richardson, J. S., Morgan, R. F., & Fleener, C. 2012. Reading to learn in the content areas. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co

Monday, March 31, 2014

Blog 6: Supporting Diverse Learners in Content Classrooms

Diverse learners are those students who might be at risk for academic failure and who need special understanding and attention.  This can include students who are Esl, have special needs, come from a low socio-economic status, etc.  Students who have higher incidence disabilities are those students who have special needs that are more common and seen often in the schools.  Lower incidence disabilities refers to disabilities that are less common in the schools, such as multiple impairments, autism, and health impairments.

What is IDEA?
The law which upholds the standards of special education.
All children have the right to a free and appropriate public education in the least restrictive environment.

Teaching Students with Special Needs
1.  Differentiated instruction: varied learning contents, contexts, and modes of assessment to meet the individual needs of each student
2.  UDL:  theoretical framework designed to guide the development of curricula that are flexible and supportive of all students (multiple means of representation, expression, and engagement)

At risk students are students in danger of dropping out of school because of low achievement.

Resilient students are those who bounce back and succeed at school, despite hardships

Factors Influencing Resilient Students at Risk
1. encouragement
2. high expectations
3. support system
4. recognition
5. accomplishment

Guidelines for Working with Students from Low-Socioeconomic Backgrounds
1. Be sensitive to the conditions that influence these students' behavior and achievement
2. Be aware of the effect of poor nutrition and health on learning
3. Take action to improve students' lives for the better

When working with students with low self-esteem, focus on their strengths.  Give these students opportunities to read material that is within their reading level.  Offer these students cooperative learning opportunities.

When working with Esl, remember that language is learned through incidental learning and is learned best in a relaxed atmosphere!

Strategies for Struggling Readers!
2. Mystery clue game
3. text mapping
4.  Analogies
5.  LEA
6.  Concept formation study guides
7.  Embedded questions
8.  Interactive notebooks

I work with Autism Spectrum students through SECEP.  We use a lot of concept mapping and LEAs to better understand what we are reading.  We help our students by using a lot of visuals.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Final copy of lesson plan

PAR Lesson Plan:  Special Education (5th grade):  The Parts of a Plan

This lesson plan has been adapted for a very low performing fifth grader on the Autism Spectrum.

Written Purpose:  Students will understand the parts of a plant and their very basic functions.

Detailed Objectives:  *SWBAT complete a chart labeling the parts of a plant.

                                    *SWBAT identify the basic needs of plants.

                                    *SWBAT identify the functions of plant parts.

                                    *SWBAT decipher plant parts from their needs.

Life Processes and Living Systems (VAAP goal)

5S-LPS 1         The student will investigate and understand basic plant anatomy and life processes.  Key concepts include

a)       The structures of typical plants and the function  of each structure

*equivalent to SOL 4.4

Strategies/ Activities


1.      KWL chart-  The chart allows students to tap into their prior knowledge.  It allows teachers to evaluate what students already know before building upon it.

This chart will be completed on the white board as a class.  The teacher will ask students what they know about plants.  Teacher will write these statements under the “K” on the chart.  Then the teacher will ask students what they would like to know about plants and list that under the “W” on the chart.  The “L” will be filled in after students are finished learning the information.

2.      Anticipation guide-  The guide allows students to access their prior knowledge and become engaged in the reading and what they will be learning.

 Students will be given the following chart to complete.  Teacher will read each statement and students will write a check mark if the statement is true.  After the lesson, the students will revisit the chart and determine if they were correct in their prior thinking.

Before (√ if correct)
After (Mark yes/no)
Was I right?
Plants are green.
Plants need water.
Plants have leaves.
Plants have legs.
Plants have roots.


1.       Read-Aloud/ Vocabulary Instruction-  The read-aloud helps students understand and properly read the words in the book.  Reading-aloud helps keep students engaged and the teacher can point out specific vocabulary words to grab students’ attention.

Teacher reads the book Plants aloud with a small group of students.  Teacher points out important vocabulary words and has the students touch the correlating picture.  (e.g. roots, stem, leaves, flower).  When the book is finished students will complete a vocabulary worksheet (a graphic organizer).  Students cut out the pictures of the plant parts and glue them on the worksheet with the corresponding word.


2.      Semantic map-  Semantic mapping helps students remember text, as well as create connections.

After reading the book, students will fill in the semantic map.  Visuals with the word will be provided to fill in the blanks.  The main heading will be plants.  The sub-headings are parts and needs.  Then the students put the corresponding pictures under the correct heading.


1.        Repeated Readings and Text Lookbacks-  Helps students improve oral reading, comprehension, fluency, and make more connections.

Students will reread the book Plants in pairs.

            2.       About/ Point Study Sheet-  Helps students connect supporting points to the main idea.  This helps students reflect on what they read.

                   Students will complete an about/point study sheet orally and as a class.  The teacher will guide the students and help them find the main ideas:  plants parts, plant needs, and functions.  Then the teacher will ask the class what goes under these headings.

            3.      Students will also go back and complete the “L” portion of their KWL and complete their anticipation guide.


Students will complete a test. The first part of the test will have a picture of a plant.  Students will have to label the main parts using a word bank .  The second part of the test will have a list of things a plant needs or doesn’t need and students will have to put a check next to the needs.  The third part of the test will have students match each part of a plant with its corresponding function.  Teacher will be allowed to read the test and assist students with directions. Teacher will grade and evaluate on correctness.

Source:  Richardson, J. S., Morgan, R. F., & Fleener, C. (2011). Reading to learn in the content areas. (8th ed. ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Pub Co.


Monday, February 24, 2014

Midterm Question

I would like to further discuss critical literacy on page 115.  What are the best strategies to teach this?

Lesson Plan: Parts of a Plant (adapted for elementary sped)


4.4             The student will investigate and understand basic plant anatomy and life processes. Key concepts include

a)   the structures of typical plants and the function of each structure;

b)   processes and structures involved with plant reproduction;

c)   photosynthesis; and

d)   adaptations allow plants to satisfy life needs and respond to the environment.

*get copy of VA Asol from school and refine

*SWBAT complete a chart labeling the parts of a plant.
*SWBAT identify the basic needs of plants.

Written Purpose:
Within fourth grade science, students must understand the parts of a plant and their basic needs.


To assess students' prior knowledge we will complete a KWL chart as a class.  We will discuss what we know about plants such as what they are, what they need to survive, and their parts.

We will also prepare for the topic by completing a graphic organizer of a basic plant with labels pointing to the basic parts such as roots, leaf, stem, seed, and flower.  All students will be given the same organizer and will independently label.

We will complete a guided reading assignment using an adapted book about plant parts.  It is a basic SECEP book with minimal words and visuals.

Plant Book- an adapted book created by teacher (will be attached in a word document)
Basically it is a book with the same sentence starter, "Plants have ...".  Each sentence will end with a particular part of the plant such as, stem, leaves, roots, flower, and seeds.  Each page will have a corresponding visual.

**2 Instructional Strategies per stage


I will add in a vocabulary component during the assistance phase.  After we have read the book as a class, we will complete a graphic organizer.  Students will complete a worksheet that has pictures of the parts of the plants and the corresponding "vocabulary" words.  Students will cut out the words and match them to the pictures.  Teacher will model this and then students will complete.

*I am not finished.  I still need the R and two instructional strategies for the assistance and reflection.

Key words p.193-200

see Jenna's post